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Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money Can't Buy Happiness  

     Ah, the same old tired phrase. "I already know that!" you say. Yes that's good but, can you actually explain it? What does it really mean? What situation are you applying it to? Does the meaning change in different situations? Are there exceptions? Well here is what I think it means in a general, but mostly relationship based scenario.

     Money can't buy happiness, one of the age old, yet ever changing idioms. As we get older and go through life with its various obstacles, hurdles, situations (good or bad), whatever you want to say...there seems to always be a point in our lives where we will say that it would be much better if we had a certain amount of money. While that may be true, may I suggest to you that the happiness gained would only be temporary? Let's look at it from a relationship point of view shall we. As I'm sure that's something everybody wants in life. A "good" relationship with another human being. But at the same time, nobody wants to date, let alone start a relationship with a person unless they make a certain amount of money as determined by that individual themselves. But why is that? "If they can't pay the bills, I don't want them." Okay sure, I'll give you that. However, what about one of the most important and always under-thought bills? The one that needs to be should be paid every single day, but for a large portion of us out there, it gets ignored. "What's that?" you may be thinking to yourself. Well the bill I'm referring to is the heart bill, a bill that needs to be paid with love. Every. Single. Day. "Oh come on, that's corny!". Fair enough, you have not matured enough mentally and emotionally to fully grasp this concept. And that's fine, everybody goes through life at different paces, you may cease reading from this point forward. For those of you still here, read on as I explain.

     You see, of course when you are loved, and you know and feel it, you are happy. "So where does money come into this?" well you see, money can buy gifts of varying cost and rarity. Things that can surely make anybody happy. But only temporarily however, because money can't buy the things people actually want. Money can only buy things that will last for a moment, such as a gift, a person's time, or even a good time with another person if you can understand what I mean. It can not however, buy that person that just gets you. The person that's going to always be there for you. The person who you just can't help but smile when you look at or even think of them. Money can't buy that connection or special bond, loyalty, love, etc. Only shallow, temporary happiness that really at the end of the day doesn't have any weight to a person who has the means and ability to acquire said things themselves.

     So in short, I'm saying stop materializing, and start feeling. What I'm not saying is pick any low down person off the street and start hanging out with them. None of that. I mean when you're looking for a relationship, friendship, whatever...or one is trying to find you, don't make money such a big deciding factor. If all the other boxes are checked, give them a chance to see who you are. Who knows if maybe you're not the one to show them who they are or who they could be, to get that last box ticked. Nothing worth anything will come wrapped in a bow and be the perfect package. Especially with a good many of us out there having a "some assembly required" warning label hidden on us somewhere. Mentally, emotionally, monetarily, physically, you name it. Some work needs to be done. And what you're looking at will never be fully assembled if you never even get started because it looks to difficult, or you're too fixated on the color, or it doesn't fit properly because you went at it the wrong way the first time, etc.

     TL;DR Stop focusing on the shortcomings and open your eyes so you can start seeing the potential instead.